In Good Standing Physical CD
In Good Standing Physical CD
Altin’s 4th record as a leader and debut leader album on Posi-Tone Records.
In Good Standing releasing June 9th, 2023 represents relationships that I have built upon and that are brand new. Being a part of any musical situation for me has consistently had something to do with a mentor, honoring an artist, or being inspired by people I admire. These types of experiences are something I value heavily as they have shaped who I am both musically and personally. Now that I’m an artist with Posi-Tone Records, I am filled with joy, love, and gratitude. The only way I know to express these feelings is through the way I perform, write music, and record. These feelings I feel keep me in good standing with people and myself. This is my 4th album as a leader and debut album with the fine folks at Posi-Tone Records.
********Price includes shipping & taxes/ fees**************
Altin Sencalar- Trombone
Patrick Cornellius- Alto Sax & Flute
Diego Rivera- Tenor & Soprano Sax
Art Hirahara- Piano
Boris Kozlov- Bass
Rudy Royston- Drum Set